A lone hiker with a backpack stands on the edge of a rocky cliff, gazing at the sunset. The sky is filled with orange and purple hues, and a tall rock formation rises beside the cliff.

Six Amazing Things You Can Experience Only on a Hike in Newfoundland and Labrador

By Newfoundland & Labrador

In these parts, a walk in the woods is just the beginning of your adventure. This place is full of unique coves, bights and barrens just waiting to be explored. Whether it be a seabird by the shore or a bergy bit in the bay, this is a province where you can let your curiosity carry you along 29,000 kilometres of pristine coastline. Newfoundland and Labrador is set against a backdrop of natural wonder, and it provides plenty of distractions along the way. Here is just a few of the amazing things you can find when you pull on your walking books and hit the trails in #ExploreNL.

1) Wildlife

A large flock of seabirds congregates on a rocky cliff under a clear blue sky. A lone bird soars above the ocean in the background, with the vast sea stretching to the horizon.

Around here, a hike can take you past moose, under seabirds, and close enough to shore to catch a glimpse of whales or dolphins. There's a performance every few feet, but showtimes vary.

2) Icebergs

An iceberg shaped like a face floating in the sea against a backdrop of rocky cliffs and a cloudy sky.

When you're hiking the coast, don't forget to keep an eye on the sea. Not all castles stand on dry land, and these frosty giants move at their own pace.

3) Sea Stacks and Arches

A scenic coastal landscape with rugged cliffs and two sea caves. The ocean is visible in the background, under a clear blue sky. Two people stand on the grassy cliff edge, enjoying the view.

The strangeness of encountering these towering oddities can make you think you've wandered into a fairy tale. But let's face it, there are worse places to wander.

4) Lighthouses

Two people walk near a red and white lighthouse with an adjacent house. The sky is blue with scattered clouds, and the rocky ground has patches of green vegetation.

If these towers could light the way for ships at sea, why shouldn't they serve as landmarks on our trails?

5) Fresh Air

A green house sits near a rocky coastline under a clear blue sky. In the foreground, two empty swings hang from a wooden frame. The landscape is grassy, and a person in an orange jacket walks toward the house.

Fill your lungs with our fresh air. Take a nice deep breath, clear your mind, and close your eyes. 

6) Abandoned Communities 

A wooden boardwalk winds over grassy, rocky terrain on a hill. A misty horizon reveals a wide view of a calm lake below. The sky is clear and blue, offering a serene and expansive landscape scene.

Long before cars, if you wanted to go to the next community along the coast you walked or sailed. That’s why we have hundreds of kilometres of coastal trails and historic footpaths. 


If you are looking for places to hike in our province, check out 16 of our most popular hikes here.
 When you hit the trails be sure to share your photos with us on Instagram @newfoundlandlabrador and tag them with #ExploreNL and #HikeNL.


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